Rosenruby is an interior colour and styling consultation service that encapsulates the essence of colour, family, and contemporary style.

I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the most captivating homes are those where an owner can link an experience, feeling or person to the possessions in their sanctuary. I have many cherished mementos of travels which I love seeing daily. These artworks, carvings and lamps, may not appeal to others, but they tell my story and transport me back to a time in my life that I look back on fondly.

Over the last decade many of us have seen the rise and fall of interior design trends from the comforts of our living room, which has heightened our aspirations for our own homes. Unfortunately, we don’t all have bank balances to match those of the TV networks trying to create designer houses, or the desire to splash out on top of the line furnishings due to the stage our life is at, However I don’t believe you should delay surrounding yourself with beautiful things until tomorrow, you just need to tweak your expectations and look inward at the items you already own and complement them with something new that will rejuvenate your space.

If you are feeling stretched for time and want someone else to step in and curate a collection of interior looks or guide you through the endless options, I am here to help. 

I specialise in supporting those …

  • Embarking on new builds and renovations

  • Wanting to invigorate their current abode and give it a contemporary revamp.

and can assist with ..

  • Colour reccomendations (Exterior & Interior)

  • Showroom support (Flooring, Tiles, Plumbing, Kitchen Design, Hardware, Lighting, Window Treatments)

  • Escorted shopping visits

  • Inspiration for new items

  • Project Management

It would be an honour to help you create an “Interior with Soul” where your loves of yesterday effortlessly merge with your treasures of tomorrow.